Featuring Flannel Flowers in Ikebana
Highlight the beauty of small flowers in ikebana by clustering them to enhance their impact and thoughtfully showcase their unique features.
"Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
- Hans Christian Andersen
Featuring Flannel Flowers in Ikebana
Japanese Seasonal Tradition
Japanese Seasonal Traditions : Life with Nature
Moribana Style Ikebana
Utilising a Unique Motif in Ikebana
Single Branch Expression in Ikebana
Harmony and Contrast in Ikebana
Whispers of the Wind in Ikebana
Emphasise ( Kiwadate) in Ikebana
The Cosmos in Motion
Romantic Autumn Rose
Floating Design
Impact and Elegance in Exotic flower
Unique Motifs and Sculptural Design