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"Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
- Hans Christian Andersen
Dec 2
How to use smokebush in ikebana
Smoke bush adds airy charm to ikebana with its cloud-like plumes. Pair with roses and ninebark for depth, balance, and harmonious designs.
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Nov 11
Japanese Seasonal Tradition
Japanese seasonal traditions celebrate subtle shifts in nature, marking each moment with unique names, from spring blooms to summer’s start.
42 views1 comment
Nov 11
Elements of Design in Ikebana
kebana: the art of arranging flowers, blending nature's beauty with design principles to create harmony, balance, and emotional connection.
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Nov 11
Did You Know? A Japanese Tradition Marks the Start of Summer
Did You Know? A Japanese Tradition Marks the Start of Summer. Japan’s ancient calendar 72 micro-seasons.This period is called 暑風至る
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Nov 11
Japanese Seasonal Traditions : Life with Nature
Japanese seasonal traditions celebrate subtle shifts in nature, marking each moment with unique names, from spring blooms to summer’s start.
16 views0 comments
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